We provide a detailed analysis and valuation report on your trademark or brand. The report includes an evaluation of the strength, goodwill, and marketability of the mark. This report is based on extensive industry experience and expert knowledge.
Our services include:
Trademark Valuation Report
Trademark Value Analysis
Trademark Value Estimation
Trademark is an important component of a business. It gives a distinct identity to a brand and protects it against infringement by another business. Trademark registration acts as a shield against legal action in cases of infringement, dilution or unfair competition.
Valueteam is a leading valuation firm that provides accurate valuation of trademark. We provide fair market value of trademarks through our professional services. The valuation is done based on various parameters such as:
Valuation of hard assets like land, buildings and equipment
Valuation of intangible assets like goodwill and intellectual property rights
Valuation of stock options
Trademark valuation is a specialized field that requires expertise, training and experience. There are only a handful of companies in the Singapore that specialize in valuing trademarks. Valueteam is one of them.
Valueteam has been providing trademark valuation services for over 30 years, and we have completed more than 1,000 valuations for small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Our trademark appraisals are prepared by highly qualified professionals who have extensive experience in the area of intellectual property law and valuation.
Our trademark appraisal reports are prepared by experts who understand both the legal aspects as well as the business side of trademarks. The report includes an assessment of the value of the entire trademark portfolio and its impact on the company’s bottom line; an evaluation of how much money it will take to defend if challenged by a third party; an analysis of why this particular mark was chosen by the company; and an estimate of how much it would cost to start over if necessary.